Littlest Pet Shop, abbreviated to LPS by fans, is a toy line originally started by Kenner in 1992 and adapted to its more popular form by Hasbro in 2005. LPS have a HUGE cult following, and the collectable nature of the toys have enchanted children and adult collectors alike. Nowadays the line is more blurred considering the children who played with the early 2000's release in their youth have now grown up to be collectors themselves, but any fan young or old knows this question well....

If you couldn't tell already, I am a fan and collector of this toyline myself! I started seriously collecting as an adult. LPS was present throughout my childhood, but not nearly as big of an obsession as it is now. I had maybe one or two LPS as a kid, and I remember seeing it around and playing the DS game off of a pirated card. In middle school/early high school I watched a bit of LPStube as part of a larger toy collecting phase, stumbling upon LPS channels while looking for craft videos and DIY dollhouse accessory tutorials. (PawsomeTV, lpsskittles, and piaslittle customs were who I watched most often!) At the tail end of high school a friend gifted me her childhood collection (her parents would've made her throw it out otherwise and she knew I collected other toys so she figured giving it to me would be the best option) and that's when I REALLY started getting into things. However, I wouldn't start adding to that collection until I got a job of my own, and the rest is history! Now I have little over a hundred pets and that number is still going up to this day.
Below is a picture of my entire collection. :3 (the background image is also of my collection!!)

this is not my collection i need a placeholder until i can take the pic

talk about various lps things here: the games, the specifics of your collection, lpstuber reccomendations, general thoughts on community stuff like big five pets, etc